The Elliott Family

The Elliott Family

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Holidays, our new nephew and family pictures!

Well I have tons to update. First off my grandma Witten passed away just a few days before Thanksgiving. She was 93 years old and definitely ready to go home to my grandpa and 3 of her children that have passed on. It was such a sad yet happy feeling. I know how much she missed my grandpa and her babies but I sure am going to miss her dearly. She was a wonderful woman and her strong testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the reason I wanted to learn more about and eventually join the church. Well her funeral was a week after thanksgiving in Colorado. My mom, dad, Stacey, Cash, Colt, Orry and I all made the trip. I really enjoyed seeing all of my aunts, uncles and cousins. Her funeral was so beautiful and I am so thrilled that we were able to attend.

On another note my sister Stacey gave birth to my new nephew the day after Thanksgiving. He is so darn cute!

We had a great first Christmas with Orry! I cannot wait for him to get older and actually understand about Santa Clause.

Then after Christmas we took some AWESOME family pictures with Ryan, Ashleigh and Erin. They turned out really good and we took them ourselves! Here are a few!

This is Jonathan's sister Erin with Orry!
This is Jonathan's brother Ryan and his wife Ashleigh!
And here is the whole gang!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fall is finally here!

Well so far we have had a wonderful fall. The weather is super nice out which is great for our electric bill! Here is what we have been up to.

Orry turned 4 months old on October the 15th which meant that we could start him on rice cereal! He did so well with it. We took a video of his first experience with rice cereal.....But it wont let me upload it :(

After a couple of weeks of just eating cereal we started Orry on Vegetables. We started with the oranges/yellows (Carrots, Sweet Potatoes and squash) which he absolutely loved! Now just the other day we fed him green beans for the first time and he really likes them also. So far he seems to like everything he tries! lets hope he takes after his dad and will eat just about anything.

Stacey, Jonathan and I took Cash and Orry to the pumpkin patch to take some pictures!

For Halloween Orry dressed up as a blue crayon. He was so darn cute. We went to my moms wards trunk or treat. Cash was the cutest little cow I have ever seen. He was so darn funny, every time someone gave him candy he would say "thank you". The way he says it is adorable.

Cash turned 2 years old on Nov. 11th! He had a big party and it was so much fun. He LOVES trains and spongebob so he is now fully stocked on those types of toys. I took a video of us singing happy birthday to him that I will have to post soon.

Orry is growing so fast. His little sweet personality is coming out more and more each day.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rolling Orry

Well Orry is officially rolling over all the time now! He is now 3 months old and growing so fast. He usually rolls from his back to his stomach and then starts to fuss because he gets stuck on his tummy :)

He has started to reach and grab a hold of things also. Sometimes we are able to get little laugh/squeal out of him which just melts my heart!

In other news Jonathan got a new job!! This has been an answer to our prayers and we are so excited. He starts on the 29th. The company is called BAF Technologies and they convert cars and trucks from gasoline and I think diesel into natural gas. The pay is better hourly and its a guaranteed 40 hours pay every week. At Don Davis Ford he never knew how much money he would bring home because it was flag hours. So his pay depended on how busy they were. The hours are MUCH better. He has been working 6 days a week and clocking 60 hrs a week. Now he will only work Monday through Friday 6:00 am to 2:30 pm! I am so excited because we will have more family time now. Also this will give me an opportunity to help out by finding a place where I can work a couple of nights a week. I have a place in mind but have not pursued it yet.

Here are some 3 month pictures of Orry!

This is Orry's Halloween costume :)Pepsi Loves Orry

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Road-trip to Idaho/Colorado

At the end of July we took Orry on his first road-trip and boy was it a long one! We left in the evening (about 8:30) on July 20th and began our VERY long drive to Idaho Falls to where Jonathan's grandparents on his mothers side live. We made the trip so that we could attend Erin's graduation at BYU-I. Also it made for a great opportunity to visit with family and show off little Orry. Grandma Elliott and Aunt Heathers family also made the trip down. It was so great to get to see everyone! We drove 26 hours straight, stopping only for gas and to feed Orry. He slept most of the drive and only fussed towards the last few hours. We arrived July 21st at around 10:30pm. We had a wonderful time and stayed until early Sunday morning.
We stopped to feed Orry while going through the canyon still in Wyoming but very close to Idaho. The scenery was breathtaking!
Orry with his Great-Grandma Elliott! She really loved her new great-grandson!

At Aunt Erin's Graduation! I can't remember if this was before or after he threw up all over Jonathan and I. Poor guy had a ruff day but he sure did look cute :)
Orry loved his Aunt Heather!

Orry with his Great-Grandpa Kelley

Sunday morning around 5:00 am we left Idaho in pursuit of my sisters house in Rifle, Colorado. We drove through Salt lake and decided to go see the Temple since who knows when we will get that opportunity again.

We really enjoyed seeing the temple and taking pictures! And then continued our trip and arrived at my sisters house that afternoon. I was sooooooo HAPPY so see my sister and nephews. My sister recently married a wonderful man named Shannon and he has 5 boys. They are named Tyler, Trevor, Taylor, Trent and Travis. We were able to meet 3 of his boys! Tyler lives in Utah and Trevor is on his mission in Florida right now so we were unable to meet them. We had a great couple of days going hiking, shooting guns, riding horses, four wheeling and making smores!

Jonathan and Ryan

Ryan, Jacob, Cash and Mom. Cash absolutely loved playing with all of his cousins. He really loved Jacob. He followed him around everywhere yelling Jakey jakey! It was so darn cute.
This is Cash with his new cousin Taylor!

Jacob, Orry, Ryan and Cash
My new nephew Travis!

Michelle, Shannon and Orry

Jacob holding Orry

These boys are growing up fast!
This is Michelle, Orry and Trent

Orry with his Grammy.
We had a wonderful trip and only wish we could have stayed longer.