The Elliott Family

The Elliott Family

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rolling Orry

Well Orry is officially rolling over all the time now! He is now 3 months old and growing so fast. He usually rolls from his back to his stomach and then starts to fuss because he gets stuck on his tummy :)

He has started to reach and grab a hold of things also. Sometimes we are able to get little laugh/squeal out of him which just melts my heart!

In other news Jonathan got a new job!! This has been an answer to our prayers and we are so excited. He starts on the 29th. The company is called BAF Technologies and they convert cars and trucks from gasoline and I think diesel into natural gas. The pay is better hourly and its a guaranteed 40 hours pay every week. At Don Davis Ford he never knew how much money he would bring home because it was flag hours. So his pay depended on how busy they were. The hours are MUCH better. He has been working 6 days a week and clocking 60 hrs a week. Now he will only work Monday through Friday 6:00 am to 2:30 pm! I am so excited because we will have more family time now. Also this will give me an opportunity to help out by finding a place where I can work a couple of nights a week. I have a place in mind but have not pursued it yet.

Here are some 3 month pictures of Orry!

This is Orry's Halloween costume :)Pepsi Loves Orry