The Elliott Family

The Elliott Family

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Holidays, our new nephew and family pictures!

Well I have tons to update. First off my grandma Witten passed away just a few days before Thanksgiving. She was 93 years old and definitely ready to go home to my grandpa and 3 of her children that have passed on. It was such a sad yet happy feeling. I know how much she missed my grandpa and her babies but I sure am going to miss her dearly. She was a wonderful woman and her strong testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the reason I wanted to learn more about and eventually join the church. Well her funeral was a week after thanksgiving in Colorado. My mom, dad, Stacey, Cash, Colt, Orry and I all made the trip. I really enjoyed seeing all of my aunts, uncles and cousins. Her funeral was so beautiful and I am so thrilled that we were able to attend.

On another note my sister Stacey gave birth to my new nephew the day after Thanksgiving. He is so darn cute!

We had a great first Christmas with Orry! I cannot wait for him to get older and actually understand about Santa Clause.

Then after Christmas we took some AWESOME family pictures with Ryan, Ashleigh and Erin. They turned out really good and we took them ourselves! Here are a few!

This is Jonathan's sister Erin with Orry!
This is Jonathan's brother Ryan and his wife Ashleigh!
And here is the whole gang!